Every project
is as unique as
the people involved.

Whether you are looking for a way to bring an indie score to full-bodied fruition with limited resources or hoping to more effectively manage the logistical magnitude of a fully orchestrated blockbuster, Mark is equipped to help you.

Defining scope, regardless of scale.
Mark’s expertise is all-encompassing, including arrangement, orchestration, conducting, and performance, but it is driven by a single heart—the desire to help musicians execute their vision.
Mark believes that every project deserves to reach its full potential, and the perfect project is always the next one, especially with developing talents finding their footing.
According to Mark, “An inexperienced creator can sometimes feel a little threatened by my credits and experience, but I’m here as a resource, not a threat or competition.”

Ramiro Belgardt,
Music Editor to John Williams
At times, situations can get a bit heated during sessions and Mark is always the calm voice who always offers solutions. His work is impeccable and is one of the main reasons our scoring sessions run so smoothly. He has assembled a crack team of orchestrators and proof-readers that assure that there are no surprises during the session.